May – Staying Virtually Connected
We joined forces with our VU Chapters in Chicago and Philadelphia for May’s Virtually Connected volunteering event. VUers from all three cities got to #voluntbeer together for the first time and together we were able to do some really amazing things! We sewed face masks with Station North Tool Library to be donated to local hospitals. We made cards of encouragement for the staff at Kennedy Krieger Institute. We decorated our windows for The Creative Alliance‘s Baltimore Window Gallery. We called residents to encourage them to complete their Census 2020. And we did some neighborhood beautification and #ChalkTheWalk with our pals at Beautify Baltimore Brunch Club.
Then we showed our Chicago and Philly friends how Bmore likes to afterparty with a bartending lesson from Blue Pit BBQ and live music from fan favorite – DJ Slinger at RMR Entertainment!
Special shout out to our counterparts at VU Chicago and Philadelphia for helping put together this event!